

Today went to this petrochemical Industry
hosted by nebo.
the place was at jurong island..
n there are l0ts of security..
so we had to check in be4 entering the place..
First we went to the chemGallery..
where we learn bout safety n rule..
n how the oil were used to make materials n so on.
After browsing the gallery,
we went to PCS...
the talks were boring
n yes,someone fall aslp during the talk t0o
most of us were also slpy during the talk
but when comes to REFRESHMENT..
we were wide awake..wahahas..
we had a plant tour n phototaking..
n say tata to jurong island...
BACK TO CLUBROOM..we were slacking
then Dear,Davin,Eugene, wei xun n i
went to Bedok to had SATAYS N BBQ wings..
as Eugene owe me satays..wahahas..
then waited for Grace n larlene
then we had our proper dinner..
the food were scrumptious..
after eating..grace n larlene went home..
while the rest of us walk to mrt..
n from there we went home..
n one HAPPY thing...
i get to be with dear for almost a week..
with his accompany,im contented. (:

This is Eugene bro..see his cap n shirt..SUPERR NICE!!

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