

Today went cycling with Mei Qi.
Finally we meet for cycling..
but sadly Rachel canot make it =(
cos she is having her exam...
oh well..but there is another outing
where 3 fo us can make it =)
so..Mei Qi n i cycle for 3 hrs..plus taking photos
n we chat while cycle...
happy chatting with her..we were so crazy lol
hahas..n we learn alot of things..
after that MQ's fwen K join us..
but he rollerblade..n he my new fwen
he treat us coffebean..THnx fwen (:
then after that went to meet dear
we went to eat aston for dinner.(her fwen didnt join)
then something funny happen..
MQ went to take dear cup without realising it..
then lucky she stir the water..
n then i realise that she took wrong cup
then i tell her..hahahas..
funny funny...only we 3 noes..
after that we went to icecream chef..
Mq's fwen join in again..
the ice cream was super nice..
n guess wat?
MQ n i had ice creams for like 3 times..
but blame the weather for being so glazing hot..
anyway after that we went home sweet home
NICE outing with u L0Ved ones..


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