

Photography Pictures, Images and Photos

Today went out to Chinatown
with Grace n Larlene.
Went to shop for accessories n clothes..
n i bought a bracelet... (=
n i saw a dress super sweet ..
but its a little too expensive.=X
anyway..im freaked out ..
cos theres mad pple in chinatown..
im stunned by their action when one of them
actually took out a sniper?
i don noe..but it look like a big sicssors
anyway,had dinner with them.
n took mrt home.
n great achievement..is......
i am not a direction idiot anymore..
Joel noes how to go home from chinatown..
LOLS..but its true...
in the past, i seriously nd help n accompany home..
but now,NO ND..i hope so..
Joel is growing up...wahahahas..
okok..then dear chat with me till 12am
just to kp me awake
to sms DAvin Happy birthday..
n then BAM!i fell slp liao le..

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