

Today had dinner
with my beloved Ahma,Aunt Grace,
cousins(Janice,Kenneth n Eugene)
its been like 7394693420 years since we met..
n yea..Janice n kenneth were as humourous as ever..
hahas..they kp making me laugh.
n hope my aunt don get cought by the police..
cos my aunt went to fetch janice n kenneth
n she stop on the double line..
n unluckily yes,there is a police car behind.
yes, straint behind her car..
my aunt was pissed off..but..
my cousins were still joking with her..
n janice said:"see wont get cought cos
the police car turn another direction."
Kenneth said" of cos la,the police already record
the car no liao.."hahahas..
maybe u don get it but those who were there know wat it is =P
super nice lol...
then went to bring my ah ma home..
had ice cream at jason house..
n then home sweet home =)
totally miss the times where cousinsn i were having fun..

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