

My cough become worse.
n oh my..i kp coughing like mad..
anw.i pass my telecomm principle (:
now left with marketing & MCT to worry
after schl,waited for dear for 1 hrs
then in the end he ask me no nd to wait..
waa i tripped onto davin shoe..
n spilled my coffee >.<
hehes..er..then davin cleaned the mess..
while i kp laughing like mad..
n push the blame to davin..=X
0ops...then davin pei me to bus-stop..
wahahas..today davin so nice..
ONLY for today hahas..(:
then i so lonely sit in the bus..
oh gee..i realise n admit..
i don like to be lonely..n i nd accompany.
dear is sick today..n im worried..
hope he recovers s0on..

pple if u want me to link ot those whose at my links..
pls send me ur potrait photos for my links..thnx (:

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