


Met up with bf after our quarrel has been resolved.
And i agree that after every fight we had, we grew closer and our relationship became stronger.
But that doesn't mean that we have to quarrel frequently.
To be fair, we both apologised for our mistakes and apologies accepted. :)

Anyway, we ate at Din Tai Fung before going for our movie THE MARTIAN.
I pretty felt that the movie is interesting as it shows how Matt Damon survived in Mars.
Bf fell asleep a few times though as there is a lot of talking in the movie. But i felt that for us human being who lives on earth, with ample of resource compared to Matt Damon who is so called "trapped" in Mars and has to survived on basically no resources.His critical thinking and intelligence wowed me , especially when he use chemical reaction to create water to grow food and covering up the "shelter" when it's pressure "room" exploded.For me, i would probably think that "shit! I'm gonna die without oxygen since the pressure "room" exploded and just leave the shelter.

But if i'm given a choice, i want to be a earthlings instead..

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