

Im damn pissed with my father.
whats wrong with him?!
i did my housework.
i did my homework.
y cant he just let me do what i want.
he ask me dont join activities already.
he said that i must well at home
do housework rather then do activities.
like wth..im not slave leh..
i also want to enjoy de..
i did my part..n now he is asking me
to do things which im unwillingly to do.
damn it la..
so what if i done my housework.
he will claim that i never do it..
i fell ,i hurt myself when i do my housework.
i didnt say anything.
he told me that if i got things must tell him.
but how can i share with him my prob when
he is so small minded.
he will just as well ask me go die.
y must i always have to follow what he say.
cant i have my own say?!
now i freaking feel saffocated.
feeling liike sharing with someone.
but hais..i appear ooffline..
have no mood rite now..
my dad dont even trust me.
so y do i care so much..
making an effort to gain his trust!?
its useless anyway..
damn..he treat me like slave,like a fool too.
i seriously hate my life.
if he is willing to do housework,
then stop trying to gain my attention
by showing me that he do housework
then act til so wei da that he done housework.
pls lar!he thinks he is the one doing housework?
i done most of it..
n what he does is only slp..
then say i mop floor not clean
damn it..i didnt even show him the blisters
i got everytime i mop the floor with my stength.
because i noe mommy tired after work.
so i help to so housework,
if not i wouldnt care..
so damn it!!stop telling me what to do.
i freaking wish i have a understanding father.
who trust me,support me,willing to share my prob.
not someone who blame me for everything n vice versa.

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