

oh well,today im still having flu..
feeling terrible..
anw,later sis having swimming sliver exam.
hahas gd luck to mei mei!=)

update on yesterday...
me having lousy flu..
feel super drowsy..
anw,i pass my digicomm yesterday.
i skip cds lecture yesterday..
i see the timetable yesterday.
it shows lt30..
so dear pei me go lt30..
door lock..then call grace,yessy n mark
to no avail..in the end didnt go.
n in the end found out i go wrong lt..
so went back to clubroom.
dear bought me icecream..hehes..
then he actually want to teach me digicomm.
in the end canot solve..
time wasted..argh..
dear pei digicomm more than me..
then he send me to the entrance n he bus home.
its been so long since he tell me he love me le..
the sweet gd nite message was gone too..
i miss his hugs n kisses too..
it seem no diff after his final judging ..
i wish i have more time with him..
without anyone to interfere..=/

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