shld i start it?or shld i just say i am freaking hurt.bout ur jokes u said?ur joke bout breaking up is not funny.u can joke bout other things but not tat.i guess it didnt went through ur mind thatthis type of joke is really hurting.esp when someone who means so much to mesay this to me,oh..not only me and with other pple...
Hell0 after lesson,dear n iwent to watch the movie 2012its super nice and exciting.thumbs up for the movie.after movie, we went to eat BBQ chicken.dear's treat..hahas..then went to ehub to play arcade..having fun playing the drum n silent hill.we then went to buy tibits n head to the beach.we took photos(mostly his unglam) n eat n see sea =)i finally get to...
Hello..!oh well,today im still having flu..feeling terrible..anw,later sis having swimming sliver exam.hahas gd luck to mei mei!=)update on having lousy flu..feel super drowsy..anw,i pass my digicomm yesterday.i skip cds lecture yesterday..i see the timetable shows dear pei me go lt30..door lock..then call grace,yessy n markto no the end didnt go.n in the end found out i go wrong in a good mood know why?mommy bought me a pink vaio so super duper happy..its my dream lappy n fave colour.(*jumping up and down..screaming in joy*)and i miss dear =/where is he? ...
Hell0..Grace n i went to rebong our hair..after that i acc grace to buy some stuff..n then head down to schl.most of them said that i look weirdexcept for daphne..she say i look cute =) hehes.dear also finish his final he has time to pei me hehes..n he look shuai today haahas.and thanks to davin,instead of helping out for event,i could pei...
i love you,bf.hehehes..FDMP lesson was fun..took super lots of photos..super nice ones it..will upload the photos soon =)anyway,i hardly see my dear..super sad..he preparing his final judginghope tml faster that when he finish he got time for me =)anyway,for proj management..the course was ok..but the prob lies wih the teacher..super racist n bias..idiot want to find chance to minus our...
Well well well..once a boring day again..done my hw n head still a little hurt from yesterdaythnx to my dear for making me laugh.i suddenly thought about the future ahead.many many thoughts here and there.some stuff were unexpected n worrying.but whatever changes,i still love him.nothing change my fwen ask me this ques:"the forest so big,with soo many trees,why you dont want...
im hope,wish,want to be the FIRST person to watch Twilight:New moonwith PIGGY.Its gonna be in cinema 3rd DEC. ...
HII!=Ddone my housework finish~then guess what..all of us were waiting for my dadto cook finish took him so long to cook one lunch then we were super hungry and complaining.n at last at 2pm plus,we had our lunch using lappy and piggy online!=Dhahas..go chat with him le =D ...
Hello milo~yeap..i feel lousy quarrelingwith dad this morning..he is always so unreasonable,it pissed me off seriously.i spilled out some of my unhappiness to himin the end,he say sorry n hong me..yet i still feel sad.then head to prime market to buy foodfor CCN day..Audrey and Davin came.Really thanks to those who help out in the boothesp fwens like Qiu Yan and Han Hsiang.earn...
Im damn pissed with my father.whats wrong with him?!i did my housework.i did my homework.y cant he just let me do what i want.wth...he ask me dont join activities already.he said that i must well at home do housework rather then do not slave leh..i also want to enjoy de..i did my part..n now he is asking meto do things which...
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!i dont know what the heck im doing,or saying or wadeva~i really dont know what im doing for CCN dayeven though im one of the organiser.i have no confidence at being demoralised.first thing,food n everything last min settle,we havent tried the cooker yet.we cant find cheese too!!second thing,seriously,i felt that most of them are not doing their part.yeap...hais!!n i vomitted in schl..such...
Hello (^-^)ya brand new day,a brand new smile.n i miss piggy.xoxo.i hurt my finger whilei was doing housework.and its super pain plusa blueblack on it.anyway,i had done my revisionfor networkinfra and proj management.a round of applause for me =)a task well done..kudos!using lappy right at this moment.change my wishlist.[go see go see~]and now surfing facebook..oh have a craving for buffet!hehes...BUT,oh gosh!im turning...
whats love?wasnt feeling well the whole dayhais..stupid day today..i seriously hate it!digcomm test i did badly.real disappointment with myself.then after bb meeting...piggy pang seh me!!=(it really hit me super hard..i cried..i was super pissed with piggy.he dont care me at all de..sobsbut in the end,he kp tickling me then do all sortsof funny funny stuff..n he did say sorry.though i am angry buti...
oh housework again..was watching the vampire assistantwhile eating..and then suddenly dc..guess what movie watch halfway canot load alreadyargghhh..bang the end gave up..went to do my orgcomm..and then slacking~rotting at home..really very sian can =(plus piggy today busy then he canot chat with mei super sad =( falling down the slope..anyone save me..? ...
Hello Jelloafter lesson head forpoly attachment event.dear didnt attend his cds..super upset..was extremely worried for him=(anyway,since im programmer with davin n han hsiangwe prepare the games..and it turn out not bad..after that ptpt with dear..^-^saw many familiar faces lor subway eat fresh..chose a different set meal..and it turn out not really nice..after dinner,we shop shop..thenn home sweet nag at meafter knowing...
Done lots of housework today.body aching all over now.>.<hmm..lucky im able to slack at homeand not go to school today... if not i confirm cui~watch one litre of tears movie. it make me pour one litre of my own tears out.super touching..anyway, im waiting for piggy to online chat chat with me =Dwaiting in progress~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------♥ continue...hais hais and hais..i feel so emoish...
Hello mello!~today netinfra class was =(teacher kp calling my crappy la~anyway today nothing much..much of a sianzation.and then BB meeting..cds lecture,eat cup noodles,and piggy send me home..and one sad thing..=(=(=(i lost my fave pink pouch..must have drop it in bus..freaking damn sad...sobx..btw,HAPPY BIRTHDAY,MEI QI =) ...
HAPPY 9TH MONTH,PIGGY (:I LOVE YOU.shhiiook~had more than 10 hrs of slpwas suppose to wake up at 8.30pmto do club stuff..ended up slping like pig the whole night.was so so tired after halloween camp.ended up today i had no voice againok here my update on the preparaion andthe days on halloween camp.(: Thurs-29th Oct09Had lesson from 9am to 8pm..i wanted to thank mark..didnt...