
Negative thinking.Positive quote.


Things wasn't that good this month.
So, I'm trying to stay positive everyday.Even though sometimes i gets real tired.
Lack of sleep and boring life kills me.
Work has been killing me ever since that old auntie colleague got transfer to my section.
I miss my another colleague who got transferred out cos of her.
The thing was i'm trying to help her everytime but ended up got back stabbed by her.
I didn't had this dreaded feeling when i am with my previous colleague.
Maybe because we work as a team and she was very helpful. 
Now, i've got tired of helping.I couldn't cope anymore,the unfairness.
The auntie can chit chat all day and 
when she get back to her desk the word "i'm busy" came out from her mouth.zzz,

I really need something to look forward to for me to be motivated.

Anw, here's what i'm grateful today.
I am grateful for being healthy and still living.

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