Hole in the pocket


School started last week and I have been super busy with work,life,studies and insurance.I have learn alot of things from my insurance friends,way too many till i told myself:" It's time to grow up and handle my own life plan myself"  I practically read up what are the different contract help by different companies and who has better benefits. From the thought of purchasing a Saving plan to buying the Life plan instead. And then large part of my money gone; 2k plus annually, for 20yrs.Apart from insurance, i had my work and it's killing me.The thought of changing a job is so frequent i may actually quit by this year,seriously.zzz.And i really nd to start controlling my expenses. :( it's that bad. I didn't spend much too but i don't know where did my money goes to? 

So here's what's my expenses:

- Food
- School fees (6k)
- Couple dates 
- Money for parents
- Insurance policy(2k annually)
- Transportation 

SIGHHH..I need money!! $$$$$$$$

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