
L4D2 and Wimbly Lu day...


 Spend the Sunday afternoon at bf's house.
eating laksa and watching snowwhite and the huntsman.
Played L4D2 afterwards.
Stream has it for free during a period of time.
So i went to download it.
Played 2 maps with bf and we survived both rounds! YAY!

And then it was resting time.
Bf switched on the "Man of TAI CHI" movie.
it was soo bored.
haha but bf wants to watch it..so oh well..

We headed to Wimbly Lu for dinner and desserts.
First time there, and we got lost.
Due to too many landed properties there and having poor gps skills.
ended up bf had to lead the way..gahhhh.
And so we reached.

The main dishes were all sold out,
and side dishes/toasts are the remaining.
BF Ordered the Seafood and cheese toasts

While i ordered
Salted Caramel Ice cream waffle and Lemon Martinique Pie.

The desserts okok only.But i like the waffles.
Next time i shld try Udders ice cream waffles.hehe.
There are other food restaurant besides Wimbly Lu.
Shall try it next time.

That's for for today food sharing.

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