
Christmassy !


 It's Christmas eve today.
Receives Christmas gift from colleagues,mostly chocolates.

and today's half day at work.
thus, hardly do my work cos i'm having the christmas feel.
Went to Rach's house and give her the cookies.
and chit chat.
Her room is super duper nice can!
nicer than the photo she showed me of her room.
And she gave me a notebook handwritten by her:
"Today gonna be a great day."

After awhile, i went to meet bf at vivo city.
SO EXCITED cos he is staying over at my house too.
Had Poulet for lunch. YAY!!
Craving satisfied!

Bf had to admit that the roast chicken in poulet is nice!
Cos previously i wanted to had poulet and bf wanted to have korean.
but he dont let me eat *sad face* and 
kp saying poulet not nice,got service charge for water etc..
and ended up,i compromised and we ate his korean.
he becomes happy boy 88.
Back to topic...haha..soo conclusion poulet is nicer than his korean.

 My handsome boy and his poulet chicken.

We went to window-shopped and bought ice cream 
slack at the rooftop of vivo.
He baked me red velvet cookies and cupcakes
and gave me my christmas gift.I LOVE IT!

The cupcake taste kinda guei though,
but he baked it with his hear so it's nice.So sweeet~

And see how happy i am when i saw the bag.

I gave him my baked cookies too.
Double chocolate and Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

See his spastic face.trying to show that my cookie hard to bite.

But he said the oatmeal one was nice and crunchy.
Thus him showing his happy face.

Realised something? we both baked something for each other.
keke xin you ling xing hor? *grins*

We chatted and then i got hungry.
so we went carls junior for dinner. hehe

Portabello Mushroom burger and Chilli beef fries for dinner.

My stomach was filled up and so we went back to rooftop to slack.
This time round i gave my present to him
it's a wallet n a belt.hehe.
Hope he love it and use it.

Soon it's movie time,bf actually booked the movie at 9.40pm.

he bluffed me saying that we are watching the ronnin 47.
and i really believed him.
Watched the 2hr show, in awe when legolas appears.
Why he so handsome,so angel-like?!! *melts*
and the show ended, there's part 3 for it.
Looking forward for the next part.

It's 12.30am now..sooo


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