
Christmas is coming...


YAY! I'm glad to say that ...

It's time for all the

I remembered bf baked me cookies for Christmas 1/2 years ago.
Sweet sweet him.

And here's my Christmas gift wishlist:
+To celebrate with my bf
+A mini plant for myself(to replace my died cactus)
+A new bedframe and base
+Ikea Bedside table(the one which is roll-able and slide in the bed)

*pOOF* May my wish list come true.

If only Singapore is snowing,how wonderful can it be..

Have never experience any snow before even when i travel overseas.
Only been to snow city, which is man-made snow?

Anw, these days i've been sooo busy.
Recently came back from Bangkok trip with bf 
and soon going to Bali with family.

Catching up with my uni studies too
and Peak period for my own work.

Will be updating more post on:
#BF's birthday(once i wash the film in the waterproof camera)
#Chau Ming's Birthday
#Grace Birthday
#Bangkok Trip with bf and his family
#Fish Aquarium (TP Family Day)

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