

hahas updates on my trip to bintain is here..
on the 10th april 2009[fri]..
t0ok feery to bintan..
then we took a walk to beach
n ate our dinner at seafood restaurant.
the crab was so fresh n fleshy..
the taste was super tempting n uber delicious..
after eating when back to hotel to rest..
On 11th of April 09 [sat],
went to mangrove adventure early in the morning.
the adventure was super fun but dangerous..
we didnt manage to see crocodile though..
but we saw ptyhon n snakes..
some just beside u,some were above u..
it super scary..then saw monkey,crab
n even more..its really nice..
then after that go shopping at tanjong something de..
the shopping mall has no aircon...
omg n the mall is dirty..
anyway after that went to eat dinner..
the food n clothes there were expensive
n we had to use sing dollar..
then went eat dinner..
n hotel sweet hotel..~
o0oh..n the last day of bintan.
which is 12th of april'09[sun].
when to the hotel mini zoo..
the crocodile,pythons,cobra all so big..
moreover the croc cage is not closed de..
n the croc is a few cm away from u..
dangerous rite.?
then went to play in the sea..
after that check out of hotel.
n back to singapore..
i was happy when i reach singapore..
cos i miss my dear aloot..
the first thing i reach singapore..
i sms my dear liao..
then my mom was like..
y kp smile smile when u sms..
lols...then home sweet home..
i was really tired but still have to
pack my dirty clothes for washing..
n pack my bag for 5 days camp..
which is tml..
hehes..cant wait for tml ..=)


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