

Today went for bb club meeting..
omg first time had meeting for 4 hrs..
n i write minutes like siao..
i wasnt feeling well too..
vommited cos i eat too full le..
then after that i missed my dragonboat meetng..
n was late for the briefing for night walk..
only LQ,Davin,Wei Qi,Wei Xun n i help cent club...
we help to cover the classroom windows..
then dear n i was stationed tgt at the maze room..
the participents will be blindfold..
n me n dear will just make noise n scare them..
hhahas the night walk was fun..
cos scare pple ma..
but scaring pple for alot of times..
make me so sian..
i see some guys scared until face white white lor
so congrats that te night walk was a success.
then after that we help to clear the classroom..
n wei xun stay in classroom rest..
wei qi,Davin n lq n i went to bathe..
lols..Wei Qi n i went to bathe in the guys toilet with them..
cos scared..n toilet super dirty.
then after that went to clubroom..
we were very tired le..but some of us are hungry
we order mac lols..
then dear,wei xun n i rest..
davin n wei qi go get the delivery..
after eating mac..
wei qi on music..lols
then davin sings cos
he cant resist the temptation of singing
whenver the music is on
then i was so tired..but when i hear davin sings..
i cant help but laugh..cos he kp zhao xia..
super funny..then i kp ask davin shut up
cos i want slp...lols...
then after that manage to slp..
then wei xun left early in the morning...
then while wei qi n davin was slping..
hahas me n dear lovey dovey..
lols wish time could just stop at that moment..
but anyway..after we all awake..
went to eat mac for breakfast..
provided by kelvin..
then went for mass dance with cent club pple..
then went to rest le...
n prepared for program meeting..=)


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