

Oh yay! i've got my rainbow Hawaii from Craftholics!
Got it on the 23rd of FEB! :):):)
i'm gonna take a photo of my hawaii and show ya~
I wanted one as a bolster and i told bf that i want it.
And so he did.
I wasn't happy because i'm not the one who sees my present first.
Ended up wasn't surprise..but a "oh.."expression.
But i was touched that he went to search up and down
for the soft toy that i wanted and even bought for me one.
I simply love it very much and every night, i will hug it to slp.

And how i guess Jealousy kills me alot.
I didn't know why i felt that way
everytime my bf hits off well with other girls and not me.
and chose to entertain other girls rather than me.
It's awful..Gahhh..really..
The insecurity just fills my heart.
Anw, bf doesn't knows how i felt..
he is too busy to read my blog..
so oh wells...
I just wish bf will care and understand for me more.

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