Helloha~ Yesyes..i'm having some free time.
so here i am blogging..
Recently i attended the activity whole by my work.
It's called POWERMovie : Savouring Simple Pleasures.
We were given a movie to watch and had to find out the moral of the story.
But we were only able to watch part of the movie,consisting only 20mins.
Here's the movie title: Groundhog Day!
After watching that 20mins of the movie,
i was tempted to search for the full movie to watch.
Because it's interesting,talking about Life,and it's motivating.
Phil, acted by Bill Murray, was appointed to go to this country
where they celebrated Groundhog day.
(FYI,GroundHog is a kind of rat..LOL)
So basically...
Groundhog day is a festival to witness the prediction made by the "rat".
How does this prediction goes? well...
It is when a groundhog sees its shadow after it emerges from its burrow.
If it sees it's shadow,it means Spring is here,otherwise Winter has not ended.
So after Phil made some pessimistic remarks while reporting on the festival,
he got stuck at the same day over and over again.
He got so pessimitic living the same day that
he commited suicide countless of time,in various way.
But when the clock strike 6pm each day,he willl "restart" his day.
And then, he started to break his routine and start doing something diff.
Instead of his 'pessimistic self,he started helping people,learn some skills.
And of course,getting to know the 'love of his life'
I am not sure of the ending though.
So the point i wanna say is..
Phil who was stuck at the same day,facing the same things over and over.
is similiar to us,people, who are always being stuck at our routine.
Work,Home,Eat,Slp,Work Home.
And instead of doing the same thing over and over again,
why not find some stuff that interest you,
which could spice up your life.
And it's the way at how you view your life.
If you want your life to be a happy one,then be happy.
Although shit happens,BUT,try to smile and think of happy moments.
Everything will go well.
*Change Topic*
Recently, i chance upon this!
*love the rabbit and the bear doll-first 2 doll in the photo*
I saw it at QOO10 and in some blog.
It's in Singapore!Located at Bugis+ and Plaza Sing.
and I'm in love with the Rainbow Rabbit Doll.
There's pink and white stripes doll too.
why the dolls so cute!!
I WANT! :):):)