

Seriously not in a very good mood. Why?! Dad told me not to discuss my stuff in the car. And what is he doing? Discussing work with my mom... DAMNIT! My mom ask him to stop the discussion and he got pissed off and continue ranting and then out of nowhere he involve me in the conversation (and when he involve me in the conver, its nothing good). He just pull me down the water and shoot me when i did nothing wrong. Damn innocent. When it comes to all the bad things, he will push me to bear it. when it comes to all the good thing he will take it. I dont know but if i continue to pity my dad, i'm gonna be very miserable. He doesnt thnk for me, why should i? Maybe i should do my things and be happy about it, heck care whether he like it anot. In his mind, im always the stupid,damn dumb , lazy,attitude, bad,naive,worse daughter. I seriously freaking hate my family. When they were the ones who cause these problems, they will ask me to take the blame and then happily get away with it, while i have to face all this shits. When i do a little mistake, they will shoot me like i've done the worst mistake and make me guilty for life. FML FML FML FML FML FML FML FML FML seriously.

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