
This post is between BF AND I (so please do not read)but if you want to continue reading this post.fine.but *WARNING!* before you start reading this postPlease do not comment/or advise me/him ANYTHING.Thanks.Last night, i movie-ED with my door closed.I cried.Not because of the movie but my heart doesn't feel right.Just feel that bf doesn't want to talk to me.by the way he...

HeyHey Morning Peeps!!My body is filled with Mosquito bites! Swollen and itchy.*Yikes!* :(But yesterday night, i had a peaceful sleep,because they had suck all my blood till there's no more blood to satisfy them.Poor me! And Lazy me! These days i'm too lazy to do anything.Well, gonna buck up and do my sales! I need money! Lots of money~Hahaha Here's a very cool...

WHAO!! MIA from my desk for most of the time in the morning,Went to help Grace for her stuff.Hope Joanna didn't come my desk, if not GGJust change my layout. Nice? Rate it! (:Now is ADVERT TIMEHaving a headache of what to get me for birthday?now, I've got my wish-lists at the bottom.so you can view it.And I've had a list of places...

" A BOY make his girl jealous of other women.A GENTLEMAN takes other women jealous of his girl "So dear bf, which category are you? the BOY or the gentleman?hmmm... ...

Dread Monday..always feel so sleepy.Yesterday, heard a few shocking news.Really hope my cousin is ok. Hope he is seeing this..But then i couldn't give him my contact, i couldn't.Cos of my dad.I didn't want my grandmother to know my contact too for several resons.But when you need me, just fb/msn me, i will be there for you.Just like you've been there for me.Another...

HeyHey! SIM OPEN HOUSE here we come!Ask many questions on that day and i'm clear on what i want.Then Bf and i had free popcorn and tour around the campusHad nothing to do so we went to MegaBites cafe and eat.The western food although it cost $5.90, they had very large serving.The food taste nice too.Actually, wanted brownie and ice cream,but ended up...

Preserved Transparent Animals by Iori TomitaThese see-through critters are preserved in jars andinjected with amazing technicolor enzymes to make them all glow-y.Break it down, Science:“Tomita uses an enzyme to dissolve the natural proteins in the flesh.He then injects red dyes into the harder bones andblue dyes into the softer cartilage,thus highlighting usually unseen internal structures.The dead creature is then preserved in a jar...

Rainy And Cold Thursday today.Nice weather to snuggle under the comfy blanket and sleep.But here i am in office trying to be wide awake.*MUST PERSEVERE*anw, got to continue my SMURF DRAWING..Here's Smurfette! Not that Bad but not so perfect either.*learning in progress* ...

Morning pple !! Zao An Ni Hao ~I never fails to feel so sleepy, as always.Movie-ED 28 weeks later yesterday with bfThe movie ok only(Ending Predictable), as compared toI am Legend(The twisting of story was unbelievable)haha sleepy mode on for now, and no sports today.SAD :(:(:( If this goes on, im turning fatter and fatter.I love the hat and the blazer! i want~...

Start my day with my mind filled with zombies,running wild.HEART DIE ME!! ...

Hell0 Peeps!!(: Rainy Monday huh?Rainy plus the blues. But BF brightens me up today.We had lunch at Pizza Hut, trying the new pizza plus our usual spicy drumstick.Then we had Earl Grey Milk Tea at Gong Cha. Nicest bubble tea as compared to the ones we drank.Then we went for a little shopping at the malls.And something funny happens..kekekes only he n i...


I feel so uncomfortable now!!maybe I shouldn't have told him my family stuff.he don't even care. It makes me feel even worse. I actually thought bf will maybe be more caring n listen to my problems or maybe just acc me..but it's just my wishful thinking ..I should just kp mum about it..maybe I just kp everything to myself from now onwards ..shall...

Rainy Morning peeps!!THough its raining but i hope today could run smoothly.And i've been having weird dreams lately.This time round, was i drop my phone again and i ate my cover! 0.oThen i change to my Cath Kidson cover.Now when i see my existing cover,i feel like puking and thinks of the eating part.Damn Gross !! YYYYEEEEWWWWWW!!Anw, Here's a PROMOTION at MAC!!CHECK IT...

Good Morning everyone!! :):):)*Yawns* so sleepy due to horrible nightmares.. :(:(:(Anw, there's so much to update about my life.Been very busy lately too.. work work work..I need my permanent position now ..due to financial problems.Because i'm applying for UOL Sim GE part time and i need cash.School will be opening on July means theres alot of things to prepareincluding my 21st birthday ya!...

Seriously not in a very good mood. Why?! Dad told me not to discuss my stuff in the car. And what is he doing? Discussing work with my mom... DAMNIT! My mom ask him to stop the discussion and he got pissed off and continue ranting and then out of nowhere he involve me in the conversation (and when he involve me in...

Today im so so irritatedby the pple singing in high pitch tone in the morning news.Giving me a very bad headache.Folowed by my naggings from dad becausediscussion with my mom about uni again.Whats wrong?! Damnit! I pay my own uni fee also not they pay.Discuss on wat course i will be taking also got wrong.i wonder whats his motive...Anyway, i needed peace for...


Oh well, everyday is all about work work work.And then after work, by then i just feel like slackin at home.Leave my mind blank, because i'm so tired already.But there is so many things i wanna do. (All requires money)Movie ( Horrible Bosses, Zookeeper..yet to be watch)Having sold my yet-to-be worn clothes and buy new clothes.Pack/Deco my room ( Too many stuff, but...

Yea! i want to be home with BF. So shiok. Now he is slacking at home rather than acc me. :( AND im here, feeling super bored at work.. RAWRS. I WANT THIS PUPPY. Its so so A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E ...

Good Morning Peeps!! TGIF!!(: Anyway , movie with my sis later on. Watching THE SMURF. Hope today is a slacking day for me. Felt super tired after Timbre with MeiQi , Dan and Chau Ming. Encountered a pervert ytd,but the guys name him stalker. Luckily, i've got two guy friends to protect me. This is another encouter( i've experience many of this =.=...

Dear Dearest BF, HAPPY 2YEARS 7MONTHS ANNIVERSARY !! Hope we last till our teeth drop eh hehes And its been like 2 yrs plus we've been loving each other. We must stay sweet sweet and loving till old also k? i love you baby.muacks muacks muacks. XOXO, JOJO ...