

went swimming today..
help me slim down n quieten down.
after swimming, head to white sand library.
borrowed my fave danielle steel bks.
then there is this choir band singing on the first floor.
it make me remember of how i used to love
the ambience of the christmas lighting,trees n the christmas songs.
i still love it though.
i just love christmas when i could spend it with love ones.
but now, i dont even noe if i could have a chance to celeb.
besties all not free or either overseas..
anyway gd luck is at my side today =)
i won in monopoly by soso much money
*grin grin*
then after that comp play all my facebook games..

*i said i dont care about u..
but deep down in my heart,
i know im lying..because i do care.*

& MARK ,

u owe me cookies :) n thanks.

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