

its my second time in my entire life
that the word **** came out from my mouth.
i cant tolerate it anymore.
the anger in me when my dad dont trust me.
its like wth..im not like him..
i was saffocating i felt like screaming.
y do i have such father??yyy!!!!!
my family at home i cant scream out..
the anger resulted in the sleepless night.
i want to seek for someone to hear my problems.
i want someone who is willing to lend me a hand.
my mom had a one to one talk again.
i feel comfortable telling my mom cos she trust me
and i felt much better.so much better.
my dad make me lose respect to him.
pple will think that im an unfillial daughter.
but if anyone were to step into my shoes,
they will understand what i mean,n even hate my life
yea if i am unfillial child i wont do housework,i wont takecare of my sis,
i wont work to earn money for the family, i wont help him lie to his family,
im never perfect in his eyes whenever i try to please him.
n i had enough!

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