

yea i feel real stupid..
rawrs..the whole plan is ruin.
wanted to give cousin a surprise.
in the end..guess what?
i sms my plan to her instead of kenneth..
*bbang wall*
suppose to buy cake for her
but cos of lesson and meeting.
oh well..
but..i manage to meet her n give her the card.
and we shop for awhile..
and then home sweet home..

piggy ask me wat happen after meeting.
i didnt tell him..
im controlling my tears..
its freaking awful..u know the feeling?
piggy should ask me out clubroom..
or ask me go somewhere to talk..
at least when i cant take it,
i can cry when noone seeing.
yea seriously ..
i want to help..
im want to be responsible for the role im in.
but everytime,info were not given to me
even discussion,i was not in..
i feel super useless..
and im not someone to be push around for.
seriously,i break down at that point of time.
i didnt know most of the things..when asked.
but i ask grace to send me one copy of halloween though.
but no time to read...
everytime i have to ask for info..
im tired of it..
it sounds like i dont exist in the club.
when do it actually happen when
one could give me info themself without me asking?

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