im very sad SAD SAD..there is no spare time for piggy and meand both of us were so busy for halloween campbut he is even busier than i do..i freaking miss him =(miss his kiss.miss his hug.miss his missing him alot..i really hope he is not so busy.n have more time with me..these days ive been going home alone.without him,i =(i seriously...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANICE (:yea i feel real stupid..rawrs..the whole plan is ruin.wanted to give cousin a the end..guess what?i sms my plan to her instead of kenneth..*bbang wall*suppose to buy cake for herbut cos of lesson and meeting.oh well..but..i manage to meet her n give her the card.and we shop for awhile..and then home sweet home..piggy ask me wat happen after meeting.i...
SLeepy sleepy!im sick but i had to do the housework.vacuumm floor,mop floor 3 times,wash clothes,hang clothes,cook foodand take care of sis...n guess what?i got worse after that and super drowsycos i ate my medicine and didnt rest/sleep.after everything, read my storybook andmy sis book too ,out of boredom.didnt expect that her storybook was farmore fanscinating than mine..=.=her book was super lame and funny.receive...
omg today i overslept lol..was suppose to havebookselling duty at 9am.guess i was too sick to even wake up.had sore throat and flu.after duty,went to get log stuffwith yessy,grace and piggy.after buying everything,we head back to schl to put the log stuffn then piggy acc me to the busstop.on my way home,my flu got worse.i feel so lousy,i feel so drowsy too.i think...
Oh well lesson at 8am.and im dying of boredom already.miss piggy always..sad that he havent top up his hp cant sms much ..hais WTH>.<right after lesson,headed to clubroom..and then play basketball withchenghao,weixuan and carter.shaoren leave after sometime..we play match haha.then after everything ..they acc me take bus 15 andthen home alone..i miss playing basketball with them =(and i freaking hate the feeling... woke up earlyand accompany my dad to hospitalto had his eye surgery.i went to have a little snack while waiting for my dad to finish took quite long to finish.after everything finished..head back home..i miss dear.=/cant see him today..oh well, anticipating to see him tml though =)hehehes.oh yea..i got chosen to be organiser for AGM.i laugh at myself,couldnt believe what i...
it seems that my blog is rustingif i dont update on somtething.been busy these days..dear hp no money..haisi miss him terribly..then one of my closest relative passed awayhais even more sad..she was ok when we visited her.and next thing, i noe she is lying in the coffin.its sad..maybe thats life?pple born,pple leave..hais..i guess i got to go to the wake le see ya.i...
hello♥went out with dear to tamp mallwatch movie PHOBIA scare me..=/most of the time i hiding lor..after that we went walk walk..n then we got off we went to bugis.played arcade.walk walk ..then dinner and home...heheslove being with him...i love you piggy.muaks ...
oh wells.ive been doing housework andcleaning my room for half the day.and then after my bath,i feel so fresh . =Dn now sitting in front of the lappyblogging,msn and facebook.i miss my laptop >.< ...
headed down to meetRegina,Jessica,Rachel,Flora at tamp mall.Flora's bf came to but left in awhile.then we went to Bugis for a walk..valerie joined us soon after her work.chongtian came too..then we went for steamboatwhile waiting for flora...then soo after we finished.actually thought i had the timeto go over to regina's cos we were like cabbing the end, the time is almost going to...
I HATE MY DAD!!its my second time in my entire lifethat the word **** came out from my mouth.i cant tolerate it anymore.the anger in me when my dad dont trust me.its like not like him..i was saffocating i felt like screaming.y do i have such father??yyy!!!!!my family at home i cant scream out..the anger resulted in the sleepless night.i want to...
HELL0.IM BACK!!=Dthese few days im having fun withthe japanese pple...went for heritage tour arnd chinatownand then bugis eat steamboat on sat,sentosa on sun which i had a bad sunburn,presentation on mon n get to noe my buddywhich is chihiro a quiet girl,went to schl for robotic things nwent to kenwood for tour on thurs.Ntu visit on Fri and thenthe most sad part is...