

Hell0 PEEPS..(:
I nd help in my studies..
ur help is important to me..
cos ive been too focus on my projects..
which resulted in the lagging behind of my studies
i'm seriously afraid that i cant go next sem.
n there is one person that i nd to thank
that person is Cheng Hao
He really help me alot..
regardless of netfund project or other matter..
without his help,i would feel very lost..
his help is deeply appreciated..
another thing is..
i've been slping late these days..
n my cough getting worse..
even if i take med also no use..
my med doesnt take effect..
and im having frequent headaches
as ive been facing the comp the whole day
i am gonna fall sick s0on...
i really nd some concern..
ive been feeling lost n left out..
n sorry if im in a bad mood or someting..
i didnt mean it..
cos due to stress,
i might feel easily irritated n throw temper..
wats wrong with me?=/

[Piggy, i miss you..>.<]

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