


Head to clubroom to study.
n my stomach still hurt real bad :(
piggy acc me buy food to eat
n then eat my med..
but my stomach still pain..sobs.
zhi xin came in clubroom n kidnapped
davin raichu.LOL..
iv took a pic BUT
blog still having the stupid problem.
anyway..piggy n i went to mac.
n piggy bought HAPPY mEAL cos
of the HELLO KITTY (:
super duper nice cos its pink n its HELLO KITTY.
then came back with a crowd of pple celebrating
Davin's fwen birthday..
i studied not much today ..
meeting at 4pm..n then celebrate Aud birthday
we gave her a surprise..hahaha WEI XUAN!
we kp teasing her n wei xuan..
hahahas..then piggy sent me home..
mom warned me that dad was downstair.
n phew!i was lucky..
anyway,gtg (:

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