


Today went to recce at sentosa.
meet weiling,joses,larlene n grace to sentosa.
hubby was late cos he make breakfast for me..
so sweet eh..sweet sweet hubby..=)
then zhixin,alfred n i was group tgt..
our place is dragon trail..
lol we keep walking roun n round lors..=.=
in the end,luckily got kind pple to show us the place..
n tada we reached..it was tiring..>.<
after thinking of games,we head to subway to slack.
waited for davin they all to come to do mark our place
then we went back..
zhixin,gerry,LQ,Davin,Wei Xun,Daniel,yongQian,
Alfred,Yong liang n his gang n i went back to vivo..
but yong liang n his gang left..
so only zhixin,gerry,LQ,Davin,Wei Xun,Daniel,yongQian,
Alfred n i went to eat dinner n then shop.
head to TOYS R US..daniel wear the mask..
n then just nice one small boy lost..
wei xun make the boy cry lor..
daniel become the ranger who save the boy lor =.=
in the end the boy found his parents
hubby n i try the machine n got two chop chop
n a fan..whees...then we went to the top of vivo..
spalsh water at wei xun n davin..
hahahas..zhi xin then throw ddaniel's shirt into the water..
then daniel like crazy liao..damn funny..
anyway hubby sent me home after that..

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