
Lunch at Culinary Institute of America, Singapore


Usually my organisation will have those lunch package advertisement cater for staff/ outside people.
Food are cooked by the students, as trained during their lesson/internship.
The food package cost $12, and so my colleagues and i decided to go for 1 session.

When we went to the kitchen, there were displays of food for us to have an idea on what we are having for today.
We also get to select our main course.

A look at the kitchen after we have ordered our food.
We get to observe the students preparing our food.

Once our food is ready, we collected our trays and go to one of the classroom to have our food.
My phone camera has some fingerprints thus the blurry photos.
But here's what they serve:

Clam Chowder soup
(The clam taste is too strong, other than that it's alright.)

Smoked Salmon as appetizer.
I love this because i love salmon.
(It has a sweet salty taste to it, along with a refreshing radish to lighten the taste)

Cod Cakes!!
I love this too.
I think this is worth the money.
But it can be quite salty.A very unique taste i should say.

The salad bowl with a cheese basket.
This is not bad too.
(The cheese taste and the vegetable mix well apparently.)

Lava cake!!
I had a bigger portion of the cake as compared to my colleagues.Lucky Me!

There is one more food that was served but i didn't took photo of it.
But anw, it looks like a huat cake and at the side,there was butter to go with it.
It tasted so awful and hard that i ate abit and leave it aside.

Afterall, my first time experiencing this and i think this is a very good exposure for the students.
Had to head back to work now.So see ya!~

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