
Let's celebrate~


It the eve of the new year and also a half day off work.
Had lunch with my family and homed.Thereafter met up with Eugene first as bf had to work full day.
PLayed iDarts at Bugis Plus, my first time playing and i literally embarrassed myself.
My darts either bounce back or out of the box, it hardly hit right on the spot.
The photo of me showed my score for the first game : 390 (displayed on the right) and my posture look like i'm dancing
And i am supposed to score 0 , the lower the score the better.

One lady was very nice to let both of us play 2 games as the rest of the machines are filled.
And so my second game got better and i won eugene. YAY!!
We then thanked the lady for letting us play the game.
The lady then wish us Happy New Year and in return i wished her too.She is too nice!!
We then headed back to our table to chill and wait for bf.
Eugene and i were then approached by the boss to register a "member"card to capture out scores.
By then,bf came.Eugene and bf then played versus,and omg bf played so well even though is his first time playing it.

We then head over to have our dinner at Korean BBQ.FATDIEUS.

I cooked for the 2 hungry men while i'm the chef.
When it's my turn to eat, they say i ate too much.zzz

And so we returned back to our homes,bf stayed over at mine.
3,2,1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

and bf slept immediately when i insist on we talking..MEH!
His work must have tire him much.

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