


HELLO Saturday! Today, bf and I are going to the NDP parade live on SG birthday itself.It's kinda a YOLO thing for us as a couple.And i have to thank my manager for the tickets!

At first ,we headed the wrong queue(Esplanade) as the direction wasn't clearly written in the ticket. Luckily, some kind person told us we were in the wrong queue and we quickly traveled to City Link for our queue. It was such a looongg queue and I got kinda irritated cos the weather is so hot.Met another kind couple who help me get the plastic bags for our gadgets for screening.

After the screening and the queuing again, we finally able to collect our goody bags and proceed to our seats.The first thing we did after we get our seats is to ransack our bags, searching for what's inside. BF searched for food to eat (=.=)|| meanwhile i searched for the LED lights. Apparently both our LED lights couldn't work at all. Disappointed to the max ..zzz.Cheapskate ! The parade started a few seconds later,so i shall let the photo do the talking.All taken from my S3, so sorry for the lousy quality.

And thats the end of the NDP. It quite boring..actually it's very boring haha. The only interesting part about the NDP is the national day song and goody bags. yeap. We went off during the end of fireworks to avoid crowd and headed off to Marina Square to get our dinner at Manhattan fish market before there is a queue.

See my tired boy face

He is always playing with the phone .Urghh.
He can just marry his phone seriously.

And i'm like: "Stop playing with your phone can!!"

That's about all. :)

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