
Ramen with the TP Khakis


Dinner with the TP Khakis including Darleesher
Went all the way to Clarke Quay to have the popular ramen at

Quite a long queue and so we chatted while we waited
and took photos as well that's what we do when we are bored.

I didn't took photo of the ramen
as it was too good i gobbled it up but i am still the last one to eat finish.
Sigh! why am i a slow eater.

Went over to Brewerkz to slack.
Kartini used to work there so might give a little discount?

Had the Red Velvet Cake.Love eating this cake.
Super nice


Choc Cake(Half melted,as requested by Kar)

This beer is NOT MINE,it's my friends
i took this because i find it very cool.
You paid for the sample and choose 4 types of beer you wanna drink.
They will place on the paper according to the name of the beer.

Thats all for today.Seeya~~

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