
River and Night Safari with the family


A day at the River Safari with my family.

 We bought both the river safari and night safari ticket at 20 plus per pax.
And part of the river safari has not open.
(The part which requires boat to see the animals)
It will be opened next year 2014.

When we enter the River Safari..
a photo of us was taken.

We saw many sea animals..
as you can see from my photos......

And here goes Jia Jia and Kai Kai.
The Lucky Pandas who eats good food and lives in theaircon room.

Kai Kai is the one sleeping like PIG
while Jia Jia is always eating sugar canes.Eat eat and eat.
See the Panda food, so nutritious and good.

And we went to see 'live' with the monkey.
Not allowed to touched them though.And they were so cutee~
(seen on the bottom right of the photo)
Someone used their phone to attract the monkey.
and the monkey look so fascinated by it.LOL

At the end of the River Safari,
I saw these PANDA pple walking around.
so i take a photo with "Jia Jia"
HAHA..both look cute hor?! hahaha

Went to the Night Safari in the night.

Nothing much though,but just some Deers ,Giraffe and Hyenas etc..
But we were so close to the deers.
FYI, no flash is allowed as it might frighten the animals
plus it's too dark..thus i did not have any photos taken.
Anyway, i enjoyed myself very much,
my first trip to both places was good.. *Full of Smiles*

For more photos : River + Night Safari 2013

Enjoy the photos! :):):)

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