
Avengers and LENAS


Took half day leave and went dating with bf.
Watched the Avengers at Bugis SHAW.

The show was nice.And the hulk damn funny.
Good movie even without 3D effects.

Afterwards, we went to walk around the party shop 
to search for my birthday stuff..

Dinner @ Lenas.
I love LENAS food.always that delicious.

While waiting for our pastas,took a photo of bf 


Black Shadow of the Rootbeer

Canon Camera

BF took me as the model.
Here are some photos...
This photo so funny.I took bf eyes and make it my "own eyes"
and bf capture it.LOL.

Here's bf captured by me :)
His unglam muahahaha.

 Here comes our food!

This is my Cabonara with egg and Bacon.
The egg yolk simply just "pop" and the yolk simple just melt.
Undescrible delicious.hehehex~

And here's bf Ham carbonara.
Taste almost the same as mine.but saltier.still not bad though.

Here's our root beer float.
Photo captured by bf.

 And bf advertising for A&W.

ARTFRIEND was closed when we went there.
Supposingly going there to search for my birthday stuff.
so we ended up in BUGIS street to shopwalk.
so thats all for today~

Photos here.Album1.Album2.
Enjoy browsing~ :)

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