
Heyo.Its Monday again. Came across this article a few months back. I thought that it would be useful someday. 3 Way for Singapore to save more money. Car You need to have savings to cater for at least a few months worth of installments. Apart from that, there is a need to cater for maintenance cost, insurance cost and road tax. If you...

Army Open House'12

Yea! Meet up with bf to Army Open House. Cos miss him so went to see him for a few hours before he go for his duty  We went to play the rifle shooting And here is my cute little NS bf.Kekex Here's us We met up with Gabriel for photo taking. (My belt so loose that it makes me look ugly in...

All i can say is YESS! Graduation Day is finally over~ I'm so sleepy and tired after every session,simply drained all my energy. Piles of work awaiting for me once my duty ended. 100 plus of MP-SIP forms + Disciplinary Matter + Supervisor give me extra work + system error + following up of Friday's survey + 33 emails and pending. And another conclusion after...

Hort Park and 2D1N Sojubang

 Hello! here's how i spent my Saturday with my bf. He brought me to HortPark to take photos. Thats Us A swing near the entrance. Nice place for photoshoot/chilling Here's what we took. (I've chosen random photos from FB.)  "I <3 Leow LiQiang" - A love-shaped leave for bf  Photo capture of a grasshopper on a flower. We found a "candy-coloured" house and decided...

Well, so stress at work that sometimes i feel like making myself sick. Get MC and stay at home. Got so bored too-the daily repetitive work routine. Most of the times when i got home from work,all i think of is to laze around. The only thing for me to look forward to is meet bf during the Saturday or meeting my friends...