

A day at my Dearest love's house

Yeappie. Dear cook calamari,shishamo and scallop cake.
Not to miss out Otah(prawn) too.kekes
but the otah was not cook by him, but his mom. hahas
And the cute thing was, his mom kp praising him
that he is good at frying food and cooking food lollol.
keke..next time dear's job will be cooking breakfast,lunch and dinner le!!^^
Hahas after cooking, its movie and eating time!
watch PREDATORS and his 2nd sis joined to watch.
After that, we watch THE GHOST MUST BE CRAZY with his mom joined in
hehes get to hug deardear too hehehes.
Dinner at the coffeeshop near Kovan.
Only the yam paste was nice(as compared to the unagi ramen).
LOL but the yam paste was too watery.
As for the ramen,Dear help me finish the noodles.
hehes he is my food dustbin.lol.
After dinner he sent me home.and off to camp he goes.
wish the time pass slower.Then i can spet more time with him =/

Heres the food he cook:



Scallop cake

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