

Its a brand new year.=D
Though 2010 wasn't really a good year for me.
as many things happen here and there.


i wish for more happy moment during 2011.
its a crucial year because im grauduating soon..
means im turning 20 soon.*sound so old*
means im a grown up now.*faint"

RIGHT!!and not forgetting,
its 1YR 11MNTHS with my darling ♥
and i wish our love can last long long.
wish he can express his love to me.

Today met up with dear, Eugene and weixun at NEX.
dear make me Pizza and bought hotcakes for me.(:
went to shop around and weixun was late!
we went to shop and search for weixun's bagpack.
then something pissed me off angry which makes me feel disappointed.
eugene was pinching and disturbing me so i called for dear
but he was playing psp and he never protect me.*humph*
when i was angry at him,he didnt even come to me
all his does is PSP,PSP and PSP!!!
anw,poor eugene was having fever so he and weixun left.
dear and i went to catch a movie.
THE TOURIST.AWESOME movie, i should say.
however, the day was all screwed up.

and because i love you.i care.
every words that u say,i take it to heart.
all i need is your love and ur tender care.

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