
Oh man soo many projects piling up..and im feeling restless.im missing dearest bf so damn alot.but i can see his shag look when he book out.We watch The Green Hornet 3D and its Great.Anw,tml is our 2nd year anniversary, yes tml.HOWEVER, he is stuck in camp.Valentine too.Oh well..This is FATE =(=(=( Oh man soo many projects piling up..and im feeling restless.im missing dearest...

This is for my Dearest bf Leow Li Qiang.Follow the instruction in the photo. This is for my Dearest bf Leow Li Qiang.Follow the instruction in the photo. ...

Done my housework and watch Xia Yi Zhan Xin Fu.and i cried early in the morning because the show was a sad one.Went IKEA with Rachel.IKEA food were awesome!Meatballs,salmons,chicken wings and many more..HOWEVER!i resist the temptation.I got myself a salmon salad.(:Then home sweet home.and guess what? i havent study my WANET QUIZ!!IM DOOM!!oh right!!BF book in to HENDON today.hope he is alright.im worried...

well~ these days has been real busy for meNext week schedule:Monday: ITECH quiz and Adv Modani quizTues: See Doctor Wednesday: Met talk,discussion of IES competitionThursday: WANET quizFriday: BB AGM and IES competiton.and many many more..im going insane..and when bf book in to HENDON.it means we will have lesser time for each other.nevertheless, i hope we can spend time if both of us are...

IM CRAVING FOR PIZZA!!!dear make me your pizza again..i want eat..i want i want..=Dyummy yum yum..Here is Mr. Pizza!! ...

OMG!!!Im so so happy!!My ipod video just revived itself.There is so many things coming up:Wanet quiz: next thursITECH quiz: next monThere is so many things to do before CNY:1)get a new stationary box2) get dresses and new clothes3) reboot harddisk,thumbdrive and lappy4) download all my songs backoh right! there is something random i nd to blog herewhen im cold, i nd bf to...

HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY TO PEARLYN!!bf make me angry.i hate him teasing me by feeding other girls =(and somehow his jokes are not funny at all.it just hurt me so bad but he didnt know.but my heart just tear into half ...

Feeling horrible in the morning.My brain is telling my brain not to wake up.oh gosh!=( however,i manage to pull through adv modani lessonand help qian yu for her graded lab but it can't be solved.oh wells...so i head home.and YES!!MY EARPIECE!!! >:(kp giving me problems,kp droping down.and im halfway passing out in the bus.without food and water for the whole day."awesome"and then head...

My lesson for THURS is OVERR!!=Dso head to Tamp mall with davin to get pearlyn's presentDespite my endless saying to davin that LQ has already say me fat, davin always tempt me with food.=.=this time is my fave MCFLURRY.DAMN!diet plan fail!!then met up with my secondary school friends.7 years friends.some didnt turn up.but i hope we could meet up as often and more...

Good Morning!=Dright!im disappointed with bf.he didnt sms me at 11:11pm yesterday.he didnt take it to heart of what i saidand he doesnt love me!=(anw, im preparing to go to schl for graduation meeting..geez.and had to do my resume while waiting for bf.maybe meeting him for dinner and see doctor.--------continue from yesterday------So meeting was last minute cancelled.so went to meet Eugene bro.went shopping and...

Hohoho! ive done and submitted my Adv modani graded labnow is left with resume and another Modani project.I had to do my BB club AGM video too.its like a never ending assignment for me to do.ANW, i've clean my bedroom set and done household choresplay bf's neopet and then time to do my resume.=)oh ya! my mom donated every monthto those handicapped pple...

I have finish WANET project!!(:now is left with RESUME and Adv modani and AGM video.wow!! seems like a never ending task to do =/HEADACHE =Xand BF got nights out today.BUT!! its sooo last minute.it always is =(in the end never meet.SADDD!! ...

Went to schl to finish up WANET project.In the end, had to change into a simpler project.BUT!! its completed (:*many applause and partly thanks to wendy*so as i was going through TUMBLRI saw this and i think GUYS should read this!! To understand their gf *hint hint to PiPi* 45 things a girl wants for but wont ask for.1. Touch her waist.2. Actually...

i agree so so much !!i need you so so much closer.solution: superglue!Today is a lazy tuesday for me.Nevertheless, i had to finish up on certain assignmentsexample: Apel 3 and many more.but at the moment..im slacking at home playing my laptop.and im please with my tumblr skini edited it myself but its not fully done yet. ...

Kiss me to show that u love me.Hug me to show that you miss meBe there for me to assure me that you care.♥♥♥i forgive youbut hope that you will care for me. ...

Its a brand new year.=DThough 2010 wasn't really a good year for me.as many things happen here and there.HOWEVER,i wish for more happy moment during 2011.PEACE and LOVE and HAPPINESS.its a crucial year because im grauduating soon..means im turning 20 soon.*sound so old*means im a grown up now.*faint"RIGHT!!and not forgetting,its 1YR 11MNTHS with my darling ♥and i wish our love can last long...