A tick on my task list for SNOW CITY!! :):):) That's where Piggy and I celebrated part of our New Year eve tgt. We paid $20 each instead of $27 (Original Price). Thanks to PASSION card. We dress like BA ZHANG to withstand the low temperature inside. And it was fun!Took many photos too. We took photo with Mr Snowman Hid in the...
Its Friday!! One more day to New Years Eve!! :) And it will be 2012. Time passes real fast..and 1 year has passed just like that. It seems like i graduated long ago, makes me sound so old. In retrospect, 2011 is really full of ups and downs. Kinda like a tough year for my family and relationship. Best Friends are still the...
There are simple things that money can't buy. Recently i have made 3 friends, ZiHui,Kenny and Alex. And these 3 guys are totally very different in terms of mindset. and have been talking to ZH bout life.yaya he damn rich but no use. lol and i came across this photo and i agreed! Money can't buy happiness! haha but then to think again,...
" I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious" so i went to explore/ done some research and i got by this!! 2089. INK REMOVER PRINTER. A DESIGN CONCEPT, BY KIM SU YEON THAT PROPOSES TO USE LASER TECHNOLOGY TO REMOVE INK FROM PREVIOUSLY PRINTED PAGES, RECYCLING BOTH PAPER AND INK. Cool Shit!! ...
Its my first time going piggy bf's house alone. Haha..ok i shall admit its quite a long journey. His mom cook curry today for lunch and it was delicious. i guess its because i hadn't had curry for months. but it was really nice with the toasted bread. Actually, i wanted some more but i limit myself.Too fat alr. Watch Mission Impossible 2 with him...
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVERYONE!!(: Dear brought me to Peach Garden Restaurant for Dim Sum. its the first time we are eating Dim Sum tgt. The dim sum served here does not come in variety. But they have my fried prawn dumpling and Cheese balls. YumYum. They even had Fried Ice cream. Something Unique. First time trying and yea it was indeed good! The...