

Early in the morning, i head down to Tamp library
to meet the L.I.F.E for the SAVH donation drive.
And oh well the foreigners or the PRS
basically didnt want to donate.
Come our country snatch job then have salary
yet ask then for a little donation they just walk away.
Anyway,manage to get quite lots of money.
After that, went to Tamp mall Swensens for lunch
and also to celebrate Zhi Xin's birthday.
The people going are JiaQi,ZhiXin, one girl,
Yongqiang,Brandon, Xuan le,Yoshi,Davin and Matthew
and im broke.like seriously broke.
Had fun in swensens cos
xuanle, yoshi and matthew DAMN FUNNY.
we laugh and laugh and laugh.
Celebrate zhixin's birthday with a
Stitch cookies and cream ice cream cake
So nice la =X ..envy!!where my birthday cake dear?=(
anyway went back home after lunched cos im tired.
Plus dear having guard duty today so noone to webcam
and i miss him la...2 months plus have passed..
and i still have 1 year 9 months plus to wait for him till ORD.
hope he faster ORD sia..

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