"i love photos,because the best thing about it is thatit never changes even when the person in it does"Today is gonna be the starting of Dear’s 2 days Outfield camp.This means that there will be no smses from him.=/Anw,Later i will be going for my job training with Lina and Grace.And then register for my BTT.Im like finally registering for driving.=)Gambattei to Dear...
"Love cannot always be measured by how long you wait.Its about How well you understand why you are waiting"And i did a very silly thingmy mom told me that i place my toothbrushin the"place rubber band and comb basket"instead of my toothbrush holder LOL. ...
I wish there will be a “Good morning” Message to brighten up my day and a “Good night” Message to make my dream a sweeter one.Yesterday,i feel so down.You know why???reason is because hubby didnt sent me a good night message.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(And this photo that is like whoa.My dream house layout.i saw this photo while i was browsing tumblr.and i saw many amazing house...
YESS!!!It spells FREEDOM after PR2.and Holiday is awaiting for me in 2 weeks time.Cant wait for Holiday.=DSTEP UP3D is totally AWESOME.With the LED light dance.It really took my breath away.i watch it with my dear bf yesterday.HIS TREAT (:love him and his lousy piggyback.LOLjojo's mind (he totally knows that im faking my anger this is totally no fun!) ...
i guess,i hope and i wish that everything will work out ..Today is gonna be our PR2.im feeling very nervous right now.oh shit!anw,ALL THE BEST WHO ARE HAVING PR2!!=Ddear gave me a surprise.he came to schl with subway.i was so happy that i felt overjoyed over stress =)he totally make my day a better one,Seriously ...
Today really no mood.Dad totally spoil my days plus it make me pissed off.my project is another main reason.Hais..wish all this are over.Can anyone give me a smiley donut to make me smileor at least cheer me up? ...
Today is another mp boring day.but it is liften up by sportsyeappie~ looking forward to sportsbut what i anticipated the most is on friNot because of PR2 but someone is coming=)guess who????-----------its my Darling.& i love roses.it smells nice and beautiful~~i wish i have one.. ...
Oh well,yesterday hubby text-ed me late at night.And i'm too sleepy to have a conversation with himAnd now i miss him too much =(i want to have a conversation with him now.counting down to Friday : 3 more daysMy ideal room if im having my own house.the sofa near the window and the layout of the bedroomis just simple and nice.wAAAA!!this HK digital...
My PR2 is on this fri at 2:20pmand hubby is coming on fri to MEET MEyeappie..cant wait for him to book out.im counting down the days =) ...
Hello =)Hubby bought me a scrump pouch anda Hello Kitty pouch for me.And its lovely.Anw,TOday is marina barrage outing with Joel,xinyi,hubby and ME!Meet hubby at white sand and thenWe head down to EHUB to buy sushi and tibitsand i got to drink Coffebean Coffee..YUMMy~~We then traveled to Marina Barrage.Xin Yi and joel meet us there as they were late.we had also failed to...
i'm craving for Starbucks MOCHA FRAPPUCINNO AGAIN=XDear lets have it on sat k?YOUR TREAT (:PR2 is next Fri and there's so much things to doHere's the list of things left to do:* PowerPoint slides* Project description in frame*Replacing voice in NVDA*Compressing twitter in Iframe*Publish in WebI hope that friends around me are true.& to friends around me:i'm here to give you a listening...
Had nightmare after watching 4bia yesterday.now having eyes bags plus im sick.so i'm look like a zombie LOL.anw, i received dear's sms during midnight.it makes my day =) again.but i totally miss him badly.And, im craving for rainbow macaroons.anyone treat me?? ...
A very touching story i saw in facebook...When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I've got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes.Suddenly I didn't know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking....
Wish my dear BF can send me morning text,when i wake up,first thing i see is him,and then he kiss and hug me.Wish he fills my life with surprises.And then night time,he could kiss me and hug me to sleep.Anw,3 days not messaging him, its like killing me.Hope the 3 days faster end.Days left: 3 (Dear quick quick sms me once 3 days...
Its a brand new day in a brand new week.i want to enjoy so i must be happy.LOL.so i shall not stress myself up.but i guess i still have to do my work.if we just gonna Facebook or do other things and not do anything to our project,we just gonna repeat another Semester.or should we just gonna repeat?it only DEPENDS on US. (:...
Early in the morning, i head down to Tamp libraryto meet the L.I.F.E for the SAVH donation drive.And oh well the foreigners or the PRS basically didnt want to donate.Come our country snatch job then have salaryyet ask then for a little donation they just walk away.Anyway,manage to get quite lots of money.After that, went to Tamp mall Swensens for lunchand also to...
Read this touching story from my friend's postso i'm posting it here:A BF gave a challenge to his GF to live a day without himwith no communications at all & if she passed it,he would love her forever.The GF agreed, they did not contact.Without knowing that her BF has only 24 hours to live,she excitedly went to her BF's house the next day,..tears...
Morning pple ^^its a brand new day in my lab.and the school is so freaking quiet.my ipod video is back.YEESSHH!and recently i spent alot..This is what i spent:Repair ipod video $38Films $21 1wedges+ 1 palm shoes $55.80 Manhatten Fish market $40.72________________________________Total $155.52anw, the rest is written in my private blog (: ...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!(:Today is a fantastic day for me.as i had a fun day out with my cousins.Jason,Janice,Kenneth and Eugene.Its been very long since we went out tgt and i totally miss them.Went to meet Janice and her bros at her house.and then see naughty simba that bites.after that,went to meet Jason at city hall.Had lunch at Hong Kong cafe.Went to play arcade.House...
and YES YES YES!!! i really do envy pple who can go out with their loves one whenever they like.YES TRULY ENVY.even if u have nightmares,they can call their loves one and *poof!!* they are there with them.or when they nd them *poof!!* they are there with them holding their gfs in their arms and being lovey dovey.hais i really envy these couples..anw,today...
Yesterday i searched the web for place to repair my ipod videoi think its been 2 yrs plus since i repair my screen..and part of the screen is burn =( and i really nd someone to help me bring go repairso who can help me?theres many things i need to do for my ipod video:1) Repair ipod video2)Buy screen protector for my ipod...
haha and its true i do feel this way =/ and then i will use my soft toy to protect me hehex ...
HAPPY 1YEAR6MONTH TO MY DEAR May we last long long andMay you adore me,love me more,pamper meand theres one more thing to tell you:" I love you." HAPPY 1YEAR6MONTH TO MY DEAR May we last long long andMay you adore me,love me more,pamper meand theres one more thing to tell you:" I love you." ...