
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WEI LING,WENDY,PRISCILLA AND TING FONG!!(:ya and it happens to me this morning.my dad send me off at the lift lobby due to the rainy weather..and when i was about to get out of the lift,there was this guy standing near the lift.and i got shocked by himand i jumped,thinking that he was a ghost.DAMN IT i was so embarrassed and...

ONE WORD TO DESCRIBE ME YESTERDAY:SICK :(ONE ONE TO DESCRIBE ME TODAY:BETTER :)yeap yesterday was having fever up to 38degree.Weijie drives corn,jia qi and me to pasir ris clinic.jiaqi came to acc me as for corn i think he just tag along.anw,i got MC for yesterday as well as today.and i didnt get to plaay bball =(As for today,all i do is slp...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME AND ME AND ME (:ok so...the day starts with grace rushing to schland she sms that she's gonna be late..then the next thing i saw was grace and jia qi at the lab windowgrace called me out so i went out and..i saw a choc cake and they sing happy birthdayafter that i receive a pig and bear present.the...

"Every post has its meaning behind it." ...

Hehes..went out with my darling to Marina Square.& he gave me instax mini 7s PINK for my birthday.love it totally.but love him more hehex.We purchase movie tickets first.Then went to YUKI YAKI to eat.Yummy got sashimi leh.After that head to watch the Sorcerers aprentice..the show was ok lol..but its nice hugging hubby while watching movie.Totally love it..hehes..after movie,we went arcade to catch soft...

"NEVER GIVE UP,KEEP FROM PLAYING THE GAME"(took it from my favourite cinderalla storyacted by hillary duff and chad micheal murray.)Anw,no matter how hard our mp project is,never give it up.keep on trying and we will get there.haha wrote this cos i want to motivate myself.cos im half way giving up my project cos its stuck for so long.hmm hope someone could help us...

yesterday,Wei Jie just told me the DIFFERENCE between FILM CAMERA and POLAROID CAMERA.i want POLAROID CAMERA..tsk tsk..so nice.There will be 3D modelling and animation competition rehearsal later.s0o hope its gonna be fun. ...


This is to Rachel,Regina,Jessica,Valerie,Mei Qi,Mus, Kok Ming, mark, and many many more.& to jessica im really sorry for giving u an empty promise.hmm..will our 5 yrs friendship(i think s0) wave off the gap betwn us?i just wish we would be like last time without feeling awkward.. ...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUSTAQIM (:Hello readers (: great day to youive nothing to comment..its all written in my personal blog.Lastly,this is what i want to say :I WANT TO WATCH DESPICABLE ME (: ...

HEYO!!yesterday went home vadhana.(:its been so long since we met or even chat after we graduate from sec school.TODAY as usual, facebook and blog timeand then PROJECT TIME.hais i always get bullied..=(and YES! i really miss hubby alotso damn alot..haisi really wish he is around with mepei me home,chat with me,play game with me,watch movie with me, go beach with me, cycle with...

feeling so lost at times..i wish i could run away to some place where no one knows melying on the ground,feeling the breeze and let my mind be free. feeling so lost at times..i wish i could run away to some place where no one knows melying on the ground,feeling the breeze and let my mind be free. ...

oh man my heart aches when i heard my grandfather had Non-Stop hiccups the whole day after having high feverthe doc said that having Hiccups is common.But hmm..think again?having non stop hiccups the whole dayis it normal?i wonder how my grandfather got to sleep with all those hiccupspoor grandfather.my mom ask him to go hospital for checkupi hope he will get well soon.=(TODAY...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOALVINA & CHUNKIAT (:Went to meet hubby at EHUB to watch movieTHE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLISPEthe first part was kinda boring with lots of talkingbut when it comes to the last part,it becomes more fascinating.after movie, we went to Alvina's chalethowever, its too early so head to BURGER KING to have our dinner.Chiou Ling and Darren came to meet us.Then we head...

OH now everything i eat/drink is tastelesscos i'm sick..eek!(>.<)anyway yesterday when i board the bus,i saw the distance pay pamphlet.so i went to take a look.and WOW! Maximum distance cost $1.80mean if 5 days it would be $91 month will cost me $36 or even more if i take more trips to elsewhere.but then i want to find out if its $1.80cos the...


im so freaking sick today.didnt have a good slp.was having terrible flu And throat infectionnow in lab shivering with freezing hands.eek!im feeling winter now..i think fever is next..oh wellanyway went for the MET talk and it spells B.O.R.I.N.Gnow doing codes but i have no mood to do researchcos the feeling for being stuck in the code SUCKS! im so freaking sick today.didnt have...

& i wish i can have the confidence too.anw, hahas i start to do my O level English bookLOL gonna pull up my socks for that.i wanna improve my English.i also feel that these days my dad giving me a hard time.he is complaining about me on this and that.this is so #**&%$&#.and moreover my birthday is around the corner.n my dad's attitude...


YEAPPIE!!Today FINALLY see hubby le..yea BOTAK hubby =)totally love him to the MAX.he help me restore my lappy's driver back.now everything's ok and L4D2 can play liao:)we hug for very long too.miss hugging him.& i really wish the time could actually stopand we will remain hugging each other.Being in his arms is so comfy~hubby ended up fever =/but we went downtown East to...

hello(: i'm having my PR1 today.for those who don't know what is PR1 ,it stands for project report 1.yea.im kinda nervous lor although our ICs has changed to Mr Nah and Mr Tan.ALL THE BEST TO THOSE WHO HAVING PR1 TODAY.LOL.(: ...
