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Today i had 3 quiz in a roll
plus one project to hand in.
super stress like rawrs!!!
orgcomm meeting my comments from teacher was not bad.
HOWEVER,FDMP quiz is like shit!!
i was stuck right from the start n
im feeling freaking sad.
super shit day i had.
i almost cry while talking to joel(boy)
n cry abit when i mention my test to bevin n zhiyong.
then i start to feel so blank..
after that i had project management quiz.
it was manageable n i handed up my project.
mark gave me a doll pen.a real cute one.thnx mark.
n now i felt that a heavy stone is removed from my heart.
hais.if hubby phone didnt spoil,i would have tell him how i felt.
i really feel super helpless at that point of time.
anw now communication with him is like wtf(wtf is davin say&teach one)
actually i don even now how to communicate with hubby
right now when his phone is spoil(thats how i feel.SO UPSET)
hais..missing hubby like soo soo much..
k la gtg le davin acc me to eat dinner liao..hais.

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