

oh well..what a busy day for me.
i realise that i cant be an organiser alone.
no power to assign task...hais..
end up helping here and there..
oh!wei xun have change alot like so seriously.
change as in in a gd way of course..
not like me,i want to be mature but to no avail.
n i still cant think before i do/talk.
im learning in progress.so guide me along the way.
another thing is...
hubby hasnt had the time to acc me too..
so so upset,wish his busy days faster gone.
i was so happy yesterday that we spent the little time
watching 'THE SPY NEXT DOOR'.It was hilarious.
Then hubby bought me this cute cute rabbit hp pouch.
its too big to be lost.unlike the ones that i bought
n easily lost by blur me.

Inretrospect,i miss the times during our yr ones,
when larlene n cass were still with us.
the fun times when we had in BB GPS n etc
when we were still subcomm...
now,everyone is so busy with their club stuff.
n without knowing, we r slowly getting further away...

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