was listening to the radion i heard this nice song..didnt expect that the song came froma 15 yr old boy called justin bieber..n he's cute...aww..shuai too..wakaka..anw,have been doingproject management today n yesterday.too many things to add and edit like =(discuss with mark on msn bout the projectbut ended up talking bout food.like wthmake me hungry..now facebooking in progress n waiting for that pig...
Hello.Today finally BB AGM has finished!!im feeling sshhiiiookk.hahas.finally can relax..=)anyway,im touched that wilson n kelvin came LOL.after AGM,went to search for LQ but to no avail =(his hp also canot call through..super upset =((then finally he appear.then i start grinning like idiot.haha lucky he didnt see.kaihoa,weiqi,LQ n i played mahjong(im learning)lol n i won several rounds with a little help for KHhubby n...
Today,i acc my dad to the eye operationn i rot in the hospital for 5 hrsbut all my boredness is taken awaywhen my hubby sms me..awwhehes so happy when i see his sms.(: ...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR FLORA =Dhello.oh well.. just expressing my thoughts here.i feel quite insecure..not sure why.thus im jealous quite often =/i hate the feeling of insecureness.(insecureness is found ONLY in my dictionary (: )sometimes i just want to acc hubby..didnt tell him though..but end up,he went to do his things n thenleft me with utter disappointment..but also my fault i didnt tell...
Watch hai pai tian xin..real touchingas what matthew had said..n i become emo..oh well..im easily emo when watching love story.tears will flow through my cheek.ahhhhh!!anw..dont talk bout this.im freaking upset bout not going out with my close fwenslike for a million years i havent been seeing themim missing them..i dont care le..joel will rebel for once n meet her fwens once after AGM.n...
Everyone has a dream of their own..mine is.......Hello milo~early in the morning do 30 situpbefore doing my housework.oh well..dad had high fevertherefore had to take care of him.then went to schl for AGM rehearsal..most of the main comm didnt turn up.conclusion is im such a failure.anw,had rehearsal with the ushers and emcees.after rehearsal,went back to clubroom.bevin brought alot of food back..its yummy eventhough...
oh well..what a busy day for me.i realise that i cant be an organiser alone.no power to assign task...hais..end up helping here and there..oh!wei xun have change alot like so seriously.change as in in a gd way of course..not like me,i want to be mature but to no avail.n i still cant think before i do/talk.im learning in progress.so guide me along the...
Everytime i wanna hug hubby,but ended up i didnt.maybe becos im waiting for him to make the first moveor i scare he dont like i hug him.=/ ...
Hello.i apologised for the vulgarities that i said.cos i couldnt control of how i felt.the reality of having a "soon-to-be-a-broken-family"i felt extremely helpless.but anw,its over.everything went back to normal.i guess,for now.im feeling happy ,once again.came back to do AGM stuff.then hubby came in clubroom..i don noe but i can feel these killer atmospherearound him.sudden fear in me,si qi can feel it too.just wanna...
FUCK!I really nd a shoulder to lie on.everything repeats.but now is a major disaster.i cant say/explain it here too..its too confidential.im devastated,pondering on wat to do.i nd someone to help me.& im seriously tired.FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!i know i broke my promise.but this is how i really feel today.how helpless i am. ...
Hello.it seems like ive been going through the sameroutine over n over again..its always the same road,the same scenery on my way to school..then lesson then home..however my life is added with hubby,friends and activities.but everything gonna change after hubby graduate.the road and the scenery will still be the same.the only thing missing will be him..we will be meeting lesser n lesser of...
im having serious flu once again.making me headache..(now feeling soso dizzy)things are just extremely boring..so i decided to do a little research.& im glad cos ive gain some knowledge of itwhich makes me smarter =D& i was pondering on whether i should get a job.so that with this money i could buy gifts without worrying where to have these money.and oh!oh! have my...
Hello~ive done my housework &ive washed all my shoes and slippers.=)now facebooking..&&waiting for my slpy pig to sms me... ...