

photography Pictures, Images and Photos
haiyo..im so bored~
went for JSXP briefing..
n now rotting in clubroom.
with no entertainment =(
so here i am blogging..
actually i dont have anything to update.
but,im bored =(
oh ya yesterday i had a great chat with
my cousin Janice.
It has been so long since we meet up n chat.
haha ok la i go find somthing to entertain me liao
bye bye.(^-^)9
saw serene at the ticket counter
at tamp mall GV While buying the ticket.
s0 c0ol..she is working there.=D
headed to watch FINAL DESTINATION 4
with dear,pamela,cass,zhanxiong n 2 guys
(which i don noe their name..ps)
hmm the 3d glasses was like so big..
then kp dropping..=/
the show was yuck yuck yuck..!
super gross with intestine gushing out.
got shocked a few times..
then dear send me home..
hehes love the moment i spend with him.
i want to cherish every min every sec with him (:
n watch many many movies with him (: hehes

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