
HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY TO CHENG HAO(:May all ur wishes come true ahahas.someone old liao le..anw.happy birthdaywo hao xiang ta..mei yi chi zai xiang ta zai zuo she medan shi wo hui bu hui tai she me le..ke neng zhe jiu shi ai ba.ai zhe ta,teng ta,xiang ta,dan ta ne?wo jue de you shi ta mei ge wo an quan gan de na zhong...

bo0!today head down to rachel housewatch High schl musical 3.(:at first when i enter her house,im scared her dog,but after some warm up,her dog kp licking me,so ticklish.XDafter that head down to schl,didnt noe they were plying sports,but end up playing basketball with them.it was fun n tiring.had lots of blister too.n its painful =(after that,had prata with them.their reaction were cute when...

hell0.long time no post eh.i really want to THANKpiggy,regina,grace,rachel n jiaqithey are there for me when im down.anw,today head down to schl to help davin n weixunin doin the farewell stuff.then grace,yessy,siqi,davin,weixun n icabbed over to city hall cos we r late >.<then we started the game.zhixin n i station at fountain of wealth.n then we chatted.after that zhi xin n i were...

"a girl who wish to be cheerful again"i cried for the whole night.thinking bout what im facing now.im confused,mad,and other mixed feeling.cried till a very bad headache occured.unable to slp..feel so restless.but after a long thinking.i feel that..JOEL IS A useless fwen who stood her fwen up for exam,a lousy club member who is lousy,a dumb daughter who get a lousy grade,a lousy...

i have been facing alot of prob.financial,family,survivng n etc.im breaking down.i tried to stand whenever i fall.i noe that i must stay strong.but somehow i feel soo tired.so many lousy things happen to meonce i overcome one,the other came.i didnt confide to anyone.i didnt noe who will lend a listening ear.im so lost right now. ...

HEll0its been so long sincei update my blog..these days has been going for camp,working at it fair..n now at home being sicklol...but its been a fun filled weekend .ive spent so much fun with my cousin toobut one thing sad is that i didnt get to see my piggy for days.=( missing him badly..wish i can see him..=(oh well..thats all for todaywatching movie...

=( =( n =(my lappy spoilt halfway while i was playing maple..now canot use..sadded..no lappy = no chatting+ no mapling+ no gamings0o boring.moreover i have no money so = no shopping.SIAN SIAN SIAN..my life is such a bore..didnt see piggy for like 3 days.but it seem like ages since i see himmisses him alot n alot .hias ...


hell0- (:headed to schl for BB meeting.didnt expect that the meetingended pretty fast & sweet short.watched the movie HALLOWEEN.it was recommended by davin for our event.but it was rejected for some reason.like SERIOUSLY.GUYS will go HIGH.GIRLS will go =.= after watching.HAHS.then after movie,i rushed down to meet Janice.we shop from Tamp 1 to Tamp mall.n then Janice was starving.so we had PIZZA HUT...

haiyo..im so bored~went for JSXP briefing..n now rotting in clubroom.with no entertainment =(so here i am blogging..hehes...actually i dont have anything to update.but,im bored =(oh ya yesterday i had a great chat with my cousin Janice.It has been so long since we meet up n chat.haha ok la i go find somthing to entertain me liaobye bye.(^-^)9--continue--saw serene at the ticket counterat tamp...

HAPPY 7TH MONTHS TO BELOVED PIGGY!!yesterday i lied to piggy,saying that im slping le.n pretending to forget that today our 7th month.n wanted to send the sms first to surprise him.but plan fail =(cos his time is earlier than mine.so he send me first.but anyway saw piggy smsn im smiled =)then today woke upwith body aches,headaches n throat pain.n now have to take...