

Joel nd some ranting again..
today quiz was ok..
but afraid that i will fail..=X
n n i really noe nothing bout netfund..
goner liao >.<
n something which i felt sad
is that ok la i noe its supid..
but whenever "that guy" walk past
i will happy cos im honoured that
he said hi to me...
but that doesnt mean anything.
hmm..i felt sad when he say he find backup...
i was jealous la...ok nvm..
i wanna state that when i see shuai guys..
it doesnt mean i will like them lor..
n moreover i love dear[wish to last long with him]..
so i will stay faithful to just one..
yea another thing to rant is that
omg!so many quiz n work..
i seriously feel very sian..
my mind also very blank..
nothing goes in my mind..
so nowadays i am oblivious to the surrounding.
i shall stay quiet for these days emoing..
ok i shall also state something here..
i feel very miserable..
i shall not state who she is..
but seriously i feel like breaking down..
whenever i see her ..
i feel so scared...n i don noe wat to do..
hais..the thing past so long le..
i don unds y she still hold on to it..
n its also not my fault...
it just a misunderstanding..
argghhh..feel like crying la ..
n becos of that i am very thankful
for "friends" who didnt want to left me out for some things..
but really feel bad when becos of me
that they cant get the things..
hais... fan si renn
sometimes i was thinking..
y am i in this world....
y cant i have fun like the others?
have freedom like the others..
y do i feel hurt or even jealous..
i feel so stupid,feel so useless..
n i also not pretty or talented..
wo zhen de hao fan..
i longed for the cheerful joel in year 1.1..
where we were all just classmates.
nothing ,or no misunderstanding will occur..
then i wont have to feel ......
i just wish everything will get over quickly.
anyway got to go le..
having math quiz tml..
n havent have my revision done at all..
i just want to be happy..
a simple request..

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