Got this super cute box of cakes from my colleague as a baby gift. Too cute to be eaten! I found out that it's from Choz. Life have been really tough,ever since my section collegue moved to sit beside me. Every single question i need to tell her. If i don't respond, she will just go in my cubcicle to see what i...
Finally, i get to try the London Fat Duck at Punggol Waterway Point mall. I chance upon it when i scroll through Facebook. And here i am (bf brought me here..) It is located at #01-23. And we ordered this: Half roasted Duck Char Siew And all i can say is their duck wasn't as good as described.I'm really disappointed. Their char Siew tasted...
And it only honey bunny and my best friends. The ones at work are only making use of you when they they needed you. And kick you away when they don't. They don't bother to have conversations with you unless it's related to work. ...
Dinner at Kenny Roger after "Shao Mu" and visiting my Ah Ma. Their $80 family meal is so worth it. Look... Pork Ribs 1 whole chicken but part of it consume by my parents 4 side dishes,all in large portion whip potato, potato salad,coleslow,sour cream pasta and salad. Not forgetting their complimentary corn muffin which we had to take away. Cos we were...
Met up with honey bunny after work for dinner at Tai Seng. Honey Bunny said the Food Republic fishball noodle is good,so we tried it. I am not fancy of fishball noodles but apparently it's not bad! We then went to Everton Creamery for ice cream. Hehe there is always rooms for dessert. I ordered Dark Chocolate and honey bunny's durian. Both flavours...
Met up with Rach and Val for dinner after work. Haha Rach was carrying balloons,baby breadth and we spot her easily outside Sukiya. Yeap , you got it! Our dinner is Sukiya! I realised everytime we meet, it is either korean bbq or steamboat. Fat Die Me. We ate till we were so bloated but fulfilling. Thank you Rach for the treat. she...
HelllloooI'm back to work..was surprised to see a card on my desk.I smiled when I saw this :)The secret message is soo sweet with their photos in it.I'm so thankful for both of them -Kar and ting.Today's really busy that I could hardly breathe.So many things to do, with no one helping and face more trouble handling my collegue.Anw, Monday is gonna be...
Bf claimed a cocoa colony voucher and a USS voucher via his army award system. So before the cocoa colony voucher, we head over to Cocoa Colony at City Square to utilize it. When we passed the coupon to the lady, we were so surprised that we were given so many food: SIGNATURE COCOA COLONY FLAVOR GELATO Rainbow COCOA BOLAS iCE cREAM SANDWICH....
Bf stayed over in Friday. And My mom is treating us to Buffet Town to celebrate my convocation. I felt terrible after eating that particular oyster.*faint* We went to visit my grandmother at the hospital. It's funny how she say that when she is released from the hospital(which is like 2 weeks time), both LQ and I get married. Honey bunny and I...
It's our last lesson for pottery. We headed to Tanglin right after work. Mr Pang taught us on doing colouring for our products. It looks easy but i swear it's tedious when you need to control the speed,amount of paint to spray. You need to even control your posture when spraying. I sprayed one of my products and ended up dipping the other...
Head over to bf's house and decided to whip out a dish tgt. Recently or months before, i bought a Japanese curry paste from FairPrice. I was banned in my house kitchen,therefore here i am. Omo! We are so talented in cooking. The curry fragrance flows through the air as it's boiling. I'm beginning to feel hungry. Thick Curry filled with potatoes ,chicken...