Oh noo..my face!! :( Getting more and more depressing about my face hais I want a smooth skin now and forever ... "Great!!" Damn Clinic..super pissed off made appointment for 2 times.2bloody times.. appointment keep cancelling..doc kp last min not in. Drag for 2 weeks alr..and my face is getting worse and worse.. DEPRESSSSSS...Haisss ...
Sunday date with my dear, poor him always gotten a flu on sunday. He always gets well on Monday, weird huh.. We went temple ourselves to pray for his work and health.Hope things are better for him. Dear baked me cupcakes! Lychee Cupcakes~ omnomnom.. And he make breakfast(Toast bread with cheese and nutella) for me too..feel so love. .Photos taken from his hp....
A cupcake and a visit from GRACE. Wishing we could meet up more often. And it includes JIA QI and CHUN LING. ...
Dinner with Yan Fang after our work. We always wanted to go Cafes. And sadly, Symmetry Cafe is closed on Monday. So we went SAVEUR. (The food review for the Duck Confit is good) Here we are at : There is no reservation, you had to queue for it. We waited around 30 mins for our food. Food requires patience. And so Tada..it's...
OMGOMGOMG!!!! I'm soooo HAPPYYYY!!! I Passed all my modules,i pass Econs!!i pass Sociology! i've been soo soooo worried..i asked my friend,Hoon to check. I didn't pass with flying colours,but i'm contented that i've passed!!! Now i have to choose the right module for my year 2. I'm going to Year 2 alr!! I shall not be complacent, and study hard! But for now,i...
Good Morning, it's friday but no T.G.I.F,you must be wondering that i'm mad. FRIDAY!Everyone love Friday cos the next day is Saturday. But, then no. Today marks the day which UOL results is out. I'm like so worried, insomia for the week. Afraid that i didn't do well for my exams because it was really hard. I tried my best,but not my very...
Pills.pills.pills Feeling sick.gosh.my throat... I need some love and care now~~ Used my monday to blog and upload outstanding photos. Too many photos and posts to blog about.. hopefully able to do it by today.. *and also wishing someone can take care of me,but apparently not* Here's posts which i've update on: My 22nd Birthday Happy 22nd to Jason + Adv Birthday celeb...
Heyo! miss me? kekex Met up with Gracey to go for Qi's Yacth party. Been super long since i've met her. She's been flying to all sort of places.full of envy. haha. She cooked all these just after she touched down from Singapore! With no slp at all! and her food is always so yummy. With her love inside haha. We met up...
Yay !! Today i'm gonna meet Mei Qi after work,it's been long since i've meet her. I'm feeling so excited, Went to TP National Day Celebration,kinda disappointed because there is no goodie bag (the only thing that i look forward too.LOL) Tada!! Here we are, Yan Fang,Kartini and i (me in the middle) The Admin Department sit together in 1 row.how bonded are...
YAY!! Finally went to CHOCK FULL OF BEANS @ Changi Village. Been seeing many people blogging about this cafe. And today here i am with bf. Their menu. Here comes our food. Smoked Salmon Benedict. Yums at the poached egg. BF ordered the EGG BENEDICT! :) Here's the artsy coffee -Snoopy Though i wanted Hello Kitty but the design comes randomly. And i...
It's been 1 or 2 years since we meet up. We had Fish n Co for dinner. And able to chit-chat with my all-time fave girls. Isaac,me And MQ Mei Qi gave me present with a birthday note. I love the note alot~ Inside the gift- Food and Masks from korea (i GUESS) And yes my birthday message from her.awww feel so loved!!...