Yeappie! T.G.I.F!! Haha didn't have mood for work *look at my slpy face* So has been tumblring,responding to emails. Gave this choc and a moustache to my lovely girls(Grace&Sining) to make them smile :) *Love the Mustache card that i've made* Haha and I've also made a little surprise gift for my boy boy. Hope he likes it.Nothing great but it comes from my...
Head down to DTE for HEI Sushi for dinner with my Admn Colleagues and Mr Victor Ng. Yes! Mr Victor Ng,my modani lecturer,akward. But apparently it was okay talking to him.He really knows how to joke. And he treat us for dinner.$100 plus.OMG! Here's the photo of Us. :) ...
Bf and i went to lunch at Eggs And Berries,located at Changi City Point(Expo) Here's what we have ordered: Egg Benedict Pan-seared Chicken and Poached Egg with Pancakes. The Pancakes includes 3 sauces-Chocolate,Maple Syrup and Berries. See this boy using phone again-non stop Him hiding behind the menu The new shopping mall at Expo have nothing much to shop. So we went according...
Bf came to fetch me from work to have dinner. Happy me :D So we head down to Just Asia for dinner. He had his dory fillet with cheese set And I had my spaghetti with salmon set and Chawamushi. After having his new phone, this is the outcome. Eat also using the phone. Bf kp taking the choc icecream when I wanted...
A day at the HortPark to continue exploring the other part of the park. Love the pinkish colour of the flower We explore the Teloh Blangah park and another park(forgot the names) because the logo states that there's monkey. We explore under the scorching sun but there's no monkey or even flowers.Boo Here's my boy perspiring like mad.(see the spots on his shirt) We took some flowers,not...
Took Half Day leave today to accompany my bf. Bf pass me the Hello Kitty Portable Charger that he bought for me TADA!Cute? Bf and i went to SwaTow Seafood for Dim Sum at Toa Payoh. Bf's Da Jie gave us the weekday voucher :) Free Dim Sum for us too.Hooray~ Here we are at SwaTow Seafood Restaurant. We ate many Varieties of Dim Sum....
My 21st Summer Party on 21st July 2012 Bf booked SAF SeaView Resort for me for my 21st party Prettiest place ever,facing the sea and spacious place filled with aircon. BBQ Set(including charcoal,wiremesh all provided) are even provided even utensils and ice pack too. Tibits were given as a Welcome gift.How awesome can it be? Damn Awesome right?and i'm lucky to have ballot...
HAPPY 21ST TO JIA QI! Her Party is filled with Rainbow stuffs.. Rainbow Cupcake,rainbow jelly..and more.. Very Colourful and pretty~ Here's what our gift to her and a Kenneth Cole Watch. The cards include the following pple: And here's the process of me making the Rainbow Board: Step 1: Using my rainbow paint kit and paint all side of the frames. Let it...